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Club Hacks: Working a Holiday Weekend! 

Club Hacks: Working a Holiday Weekend! 

            Hey everyone! So, I know this post is a little late but it’s on stripper time (haha) and it’s just good info especially for long weekends to come and working over the holidays etc. First off, I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, I really did but sometimes I still wonder what is going on in that #clublife. So here are some tips for working a holiday!



1.    Best times to work?This is a question I got asked a lot when I was dancing and traveling. I spent time on the road dancing and dancing at a bunch of different clubs all over the country so inevitably I would have to work a holiday weekend. If you think that any time to work during a holiday is good you would be sadly mistaken – trust me I know. The best times to work during a long weekend like the one we just had is on Friday (the start of the weekend) and Sunday nightbefore the Monday holiday the next day. Here is why: Friday when everyone has gotten off work they are all excited about the long weekend and they want to go out and have fun. They know they have all weekend to be with their family and friends and just want to go for it. This type of Friday night was always a good night to work but be warned– there will probably be a bunch of other girls working too so bring your A-Game. The second-best night to work is Sunday night BEFORE the Monday holiday because the clients will have already spent their time with the fam so they are now “allowed” out and they want to have a good time with the whole next day to recover. This is also a good time because the other girls will either have partied themselves and be hungover from the previous two days and/or have plans on their own = less competition. 


2.    WHAT TO WEAR:I love themes so if you don’t – this part isn’t for you but I found that men enjoy themes too. For Memorial Day wear something patriotic like a white bikini or something red/white and blue (see above) – these outfits also work for Labor Day and Fourth of July (for American Holidays). For St. Patrick’s Day – duh wear green. For the fall holidays wear something like you would see in Victoria’s secret really class it up like a present they can’t wait to unwrap. Have fun with it! When you are having fun, they are having fun = more money being spent. 

3.    MAINTAIN A BALANCE: Like I have said in previous posts – if you have to work a holiday then work the fucking holiday. Don’t get all turnt the first night and blow off the rest of the weekend. If you can’t resist and do go out try to pull it together by Sunday which is usually always an awesome day and time to work a holiday weekend. Managers will love you coming in on a Sunday and house fees are usually cheaper. I don’t mean stay at home and be a nun either you can always go out Monday or Saturday just don’t pull an all-nighter.

4.    Know your customer: I will give a little insight. The guys who are coming out on a holiday weekend are usually not going to turn into regulars. They are usually coming out just to have fun one night when they have a chance to get out of their normal routine. Expect big parties and groups, shy patrons and maybe even ones that get a little out of control. This isn’t typically going to be an intimate day shift type setting and you may have to step out of your comfort zone a little to make money. EX: Go up to the groups and give the entire table dances, find the shy married one who has money but doesn’t know how to spend it. The typical strip club customer will probably not be in the club during a holiday so expect to work a little harder. 

5.    LASTLY – BE SAFE. Make sure to take an Uber or taxi if you will be drinking! Most big cities with clubs have “no refusal weekends” = big trouble if you get caught drinking and driving. Most accidents and arrests happen holiday weekends so be extra careful. Also try to keep day drinking to a minimum if you plan on going to work and after-hours parties should probably be avoided (unless they are already good friends). The holiday weekend clients can get carried away and then get into trouble when reality sinks in on Tuesday - don’t let that be you too. 




So, the next holiday coming up is 4th of July – which this year is on a Wednesday (EW!) work Tuesday night and maybe even the Sunday before because some people get the whole first part of the week off. Obviously, you know yourself and club and city best so you do you but hopefully you can use some of these tips to be your best strippie self and cash in on the holidays!! 

411 on House Fees

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