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How To Make More Money Dancing

How To Make More Money Dancing

How To: Make More Money Dancing


Hi bohemians! Or strippies! Or both! Welcome to the blog where I give you all the details of how to make your dancing career better, more profitable and more fun! If you’re new to dancing or an old veteran you’ll find something here that will help you navigate the clubs, clientele and coworkers. That being said today’s topic is a how to: Make More Money! 

            I always say this, the first six months that you have started dancing are the easiest times to make money. You aren’t jaded, the club is still fun and you are the new girl. But what about after that? Say you’ve been dancing a while and have kind of plateaued. Or maybe you aren’t making as much money as you used to and that sucks. You may have tried a few things like going in earlier or switching clubs but it’s just not working. In fact, it’s hurting your confidence, attitude and frankly you just feel like quitting. 

            Fear not! Below you will find helpful tips and tricks to get you back to making tons of money like you used to. (And no, none of them involve reading The Secret). 


1.     Start to mix up your schedule and the clubs you work at

This is one of the easiest things to do to get a variety in your schedule and get seen in front of more people. One of the reasons dancers plateau is because they go to the same club, the same shifts and see the same clients. You are comfortable at your club and with the clients that work there. You don’t hustle like you used to because you might be talking to your coworkers, sitting at the bar too long and overanalyzing what type of clients are walking in the door. When you go to a new club, you aren’t as familiar with it and therefore you aren’t lazy. You have to get to work or stand around awkwardly in the dressing room. If you only have one club in your town or don’t feel like switching, try just doing a different shift – a day shift or split shift instead of night. This way you are in front of different people and usually different coworkers. You can always stay and work a double too if you want (see my other post here). 

2.     Create urgency with your regulars 

This goes along with the post above. If you are working at multiple clubs, different times a day, then your regulars aren’t going to have as many opportunities to see you at the same club. When they ask, hey are you working, you can say, “Oh no I only work there on Friday’s” or “I work day shift now”. Then they know, I can only see her once per week or whatever and will make more of an effort to see you then. You’ll also have the opportunity to make new regulars at the other clubs and so it’s a win-win. Occasionally, a regular will come see you at different clubs (those guys are the best) and they really enjoy a change in atmosphere. 

3.     Change cities and work in a new place for awhile

This is one of my favorite suggestions. Getting out of your own town and into a new place will change your perspective and help you earn more money – both at home and while on the road. You don’t have to stay long, and it helps to take a friend with you so you can share the travel costs. Find a few clubs to try out in the new city and you’ll be learning how other clubs and dancers work. Then when you return home you can take some of your new tricks with you and over all you’ll just have an appreciation of the club you left behind. The mentality shift is always great. 

4.     Get a makeover 

This one I use with caution because you don’t’ want to completely change your appearance but investing more time into your look won’t hurt. When you look good you feel good and when you feel good you make more money. Go get a new outfit, new jewelry, new makeup, get a blowout or a wax. Find time to get your nails done or get a massage. You’ve earned it! Investing in yourself and self-care is a must in this industry. 

5.     Be accountable 

This is one of the hardest things to do! If you start scheduling your shifts, working at different places, get a mini makeover and then stop for whatever reason – you will throw off any momentum you’ve gained and basically have to start over. Keep your schedule. If you say you are going to work then do it. This job is flexible but that is also it’s downfall. If you blow off work every time you “don’t feel like going” how are you going to get any momentum or make any money? Create a calendar and put all your shifts on there so you can see when you have worked and where. I would also put how much $ I made at each shift so I could keep track of what times worked best at each club. And then at the end of the month, I would have a concrete amount that I would know I made and a good schedule to follow for the next month.

6.     Get everyone’s contact info and follow up with them

This is when a burner phone is going to come in super handy. You should have a second phone line for clients. I had a second phone line for years and years and would make sure to give out that number for the most part. VIP regulars could get my real number but everyone else got the burner. They would text and it’s important to keep up with them. You can send out automated messages now – there are apps to do this. And contact everyone at least once a month. You should be sending messages out daily from this phone even 5 contacts per day is only 150 people a month. 

7.     Start a Patreon

Treat your dancing as a business and start a Patreon which is a payment collecting/membership service that your clients can use to give you more money and see you. This is especially great for out of town clients. You can post pictures and unlike IG your clients can donate to your page and voila! More money. Obviously follow their rules about what you can post. Pictures are fine, I would advise against any nudity! You want them to come see you in person – don’t give them a reason to not see you. This is a site to just keep you top of mind, update your clients on what you’re doing (I got a new house! New car! Started school! Etc) and collect donations! You can give certain incentives for those who donate, a new picture to their inbox or a personalized video. Get creative! 


All right y’all these are seven tips that you can utilize today to earn more money, get more clients and get out of your slump! If you have tried any of these or have any others, comment below and let me know!


Love and glitter – BW 

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