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How to Sell VIP Rooms

How to Sell VIP Rooms

Hi strippies! Now that Christmas is around the corner, it got me thinking about what was the easiest way to make money during the holidays? Disclaimer: the holidays can be a tricky time to work. Regulars are out of town, the club is slow because of crappy weather, many clients don’t have $ as they have spent it on their family’s presents. All of these things make it a little harder to earn money. But no worries I have a solution for you: Sell VIP rooms

            There is literally nothing I loved at work more than seeing the club all decorated for Christmas, ordering a white Russian and getting cozy for hours in a VIP room (with a respectable gentleman of course). You clicked because you’re asking me HOW? How do you even sell a VIP room? What does the upsell promise? How can I make the offer irresistible without having to do things I don’t want to?

            All of these questions will be answered in this post. It’s a little longer so settle in. This is going to help you make money after all so it’s worth the read. 


Scenario 1: You’re sitting with a client on the floor. He’s bought a few dances and seems interested. You’re talking up a storm. You see him eye the velvet ropes. How do you get him to justify the $$$$ price tag. First tip, ask while you are doing a dance. I cannot stress this enough. If he has a boner and thinks this is fun, he doesn’t want to keep getting dances while being watched. He wants you all to himself in a place that he can focus. You are going to lean into his body and whisper in his ear something like this: “You want to go somewhere we can be alone?” 

Boom. That’s it. He’ll say maybe or sure. Then this is where you sell him. “I can get the club to discount $X” or “It’s only $$.” “We can stay there all night!” “It’s so nice.” “Let’s go check it out.” Literally keep in simple. DO NOT allude to doing any extras, if he asks just say, “Trust me, you’re going to have a great time.” DO NOT say please. This is vital. The second you say please you have lost the upper hand. 

            Then get up. He will follow if he’s at all curious. If he doesn’t collect your cash and move on to the next one. This is where timing is everything make sure you’ve at least done $60-100 worth of dances before the upsell that way you aren’t wasting your time (Hey you still made money off his broke ass). 

            Now sometimes you’ll get back there and they will chicken out. Just say you’ll give him time to think about it and move on. The goal tonight is to sell a room. Not do dance for dance on the floor. 


Scenario 2: This one is for later in the night. When people (maybe you) are tipsy, bold and into making questionable decisions. You’re on stage, and he comes up and tips you $20 or $50. HEY time for the fucking upsell. Get into his ear, point to VIP room. “Meet me back there, say you’re waiting for Cali” (You should have a code like this for the managers to know that he’s your upsell). Of course, he wants the clearance to go back there for free (or so he thinks). After you get off stage go find him. Sit him down, look like a fucking star and say, “We can stay back here for $X for X time.” For this guy go with the cheapest option first. He’s already back there so the hard part is done. Rarely once they are behind that velvet rope do they want to come back out. Unless they are broke – move on. 


Scenario 3: Group of dudes comes in. Maybe like 3 or 4. They are spending alright. The guy you are sitting with buys some dances and a drink. They are ordering shots. You have found other girls to sit with the friends. We are not just going to sit out on the floor doing all the work. “Hey guys, you know we can save money on booze and have more fun back there.” “Let’s get a bottle! We can sit in VIP too!” In this scenario, tell the guy you are sitting with you can get the bottle discounted and you’ll charge by the hour ($100-$200 an hour is a good start) for unlimited dances. Unlimited dances and bottle service duh, of course he wants that. Now before you’re like wait, I don’t want to just make $100 for unlimited dances, are you high? Trust me, you aren’t going to be dancing that much. He’s going to be too busy pretending he’s Kanye with his friends. You’re going to be tipping stage, making in rain. Laughing it up and getting drunk. This is a good time table but do not camp out here. Get paid for 2 hours up front. Then get on stage. Stage rotation will burn at least 30 minutes. Find your next customer. Go back and they will already be plastered. The two hours are almost up and maybe they have even found another girl to take your place (perfect). The bottle is gone and you’re on to the next one. 


Scenario 4: This is the big spender. This is where you will upsell the fuck out of him. He’s sitting by himself. Lonely and maybe a little bit bored. He’s just waiting for you to cheer him the fuck up. You do not dance for him on the floor. You just talk. Maybe like 30 minutes and go three-deep with each thing you ask him. (I’ll explain this in another post). You’re starting to get him to open up but it’s so loud! “Let’s go somewhere it’s quiet.” Point to the back, take his hand and lead him back there. Don’t discuss price, the manager is going to do that for you.

This is all about the service. He wants to be taken care of. He wants to talk to you more. Lead him back there. One of my favorite managers would come up with a wine list. Recommend a bottle and leave. A cocktail waitress would come collect the credit card and leave. Then the VIP service would begin. Get into his ear more. Rub his hands and forearms. Relax him. Who knows what he ordered or what it costs. If he hasn’t asked you, he doesn’t give a shit. The bottle comes out. You are already on his lap laughing. Now depending on where you work, there might be minimum per hour for this type of guy. It usually ranges $300-500 an hour. I would spend the night cozy back there and then charge something like 40 dances on funny money. He can’t do the math that fast. 40 dances in 4 hours sounds about right. (It’s $800 btw). Make sure he’s getting scotch or something rich people drink to accompany the champs. You want him buzzed. Don’t do any extras, if he asks, say “that’s for next time” and make him a regular. 


Whew! I told you it was long. But totally worth it. Now you have some of my tried and true secrets to sell VIP rooms. Anywhere from the group of dudes to the loner, try these tricks and you will sell more rooms.

If you get resistance just bail. There are so many other guys who don’t mind the upsell. Remember you’re not just selling dances, you’re selling an experience that these guys wish they could have every day. Try whenever possible to get paid up front or at least in increments. Each client is different so some may just start handing out hundreds. If you don’t want to do extras make sure to draw the line. You are the boss. If they get too handsy, go to the bathroom or dressing room, get on stage, bring another girl buffer or even just get the manager. (I have only had a handful of scenarios where the guy is just looking for extras. Just get out and he can find someone else – unless you don’t mind). If the night is going great though, make sure to skip stage entirely, tell the DJ to fuck off, you are in VIP. 

            Try not to get too drunk with them. They are getting drunk, you are providing a service, a VIP service. You should have a favorite VIP waitress that works with you. Managers should know your codes and how you work. This is a team effort where everyone wins. At the end of the night you can walk back to the dressing room where the other girls jealously look at your wad of cash, asking where you’ve been all night. 


            Love and glitter - BW

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