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Club Hack: Landing a Regular Client

Club Hack: Landing a Regular Client

Club Hack: Landing that Regular Client 


Hi strippies! Welcome back to BW, where I discuss my life before, after, and during my illustrious exotic dancing career. Here I’ll share tips that you wouldn’t get from me when I was dancing so that you can have a better night and make that money! This post is a little longer (estimated read time 7 minutes) but trust me it’s absolutely worth it.

            Today’s topic is the illusive regular customer. Now, first let me talk a little bit about what a regular customer is and what it means to have one. When I look back on my dancing years it is always the regular client memories that bring a smile to my face. Some regulars I had for a very very long time and some I still occasionally text to this day. Regular clients are ones that will visit you at the club almost exclusively. They usually make sure that you are super comfortable and taken care of. They usually just want company and/or dances and enjoy going to the club to see you. Occasionally, you might meet them outside the club for dinner or something but usually it’s never more than that. *Disclaimer – I was never an escort so I can’t speak to that but my regulars were most always in the club only*


            The great part of regular clients is that they always want to see you, it’s usually super fun and you enjoy the conversation. It always helps if they are young at heart, have a great sense of humor and don’t cross the line. They also will come to see you by appointment or if you text them that you are available. It’s always great going to work knowing that a regular is coming because then any $ you make before or after sitting with them is just a bonus! 

            There are all different types of regulars, VIP regulars, party regulars, bar regulars and quick regulars. All are great and it helps to diversify the types that you have for different reasons but I’ll go into that on another post. 

            This post is about how to get that regular customer. How to entice them to come see you not just twice but in some cases for years. I have also had regulars follow me when I switched clubs and even drive to other cities to see me. 

            A thing I think girls forget is that anyone can become a regular. They have this stereotype in their mind of a regular or what they want their regular to look or act like. You have to put this aside because any type of client can become a regular. I will say there are some characteristics to look for which I will go into next. But just keep an open mind with whoever you sit with because you never know. 

            Regular client characteristics, now appearance wise there isn’t just one thing to look for but you can tell a lot about someone by how they spend their money and how they act. Usually regular clients are not shy about spending money. They probably won’t go make it rain at the stage but they will usually be good stage tippers, offer drinks when you first sit down and may even have a VIP membership. I will say not all regulars have to have VIP status but they usually aren’t going to nickel and dime every interaction. They also typically dress well, are older gentlemen and are known by the managers/waitresses/bartenders. 


            Ok so now you have an idea of what to look for but how do you make them fall in love with you? Here are a few of things to do I made it into a checklist 

-      Start the conversation about them. Naturally, they will be curious about you and ask questions but try to always circle the conversation back to them. This will make them feel like you care (which you should) and that you are taking an interest in them. 

-      When you do talk about yourself, keep it positive. I had a friend I worked with for a while who would always get negative or sob story on clients. She rarely had regulars. I always kept my attitude and stories positive. If I did mention a “problem” it was something that the client could easily give me a solution. Men love to fix things so if you give them something simple like, “I got a speeding ticket ugh!” they will say “oh just take defensive driving online!” or “here’s my attorney’s # they can take care of it” – they will love to offer their help even if you have already figured out the obvious. Ok, that was a super lame example but you get the idea. 

-      Ask about their family but don’t mention their wife or ex-wife (unless they want to rant). They love talking about their kids and their job mostly. 

-      Don’t blow smoke up their ass. You don’t have to overly compliment them or pretend. They don’t like girls being super fake and plus you can’t really keep up the fake act for very long so it’s best to be sincere. It will get your further in the long run. 

-      For the first few visits (or really ever) do not order food or get super wasted and here’s why: They want to feel in control of their money. They don’t want to get the bill later and see a bunch of food they didn’t eat. Eating also isn’t very sexy at the table (unless it’s strawberries and cream). I’ll also repeat DO NOT GET WASTED. They will not appreciate a girl who cannot hold her alcohol or pace herself. What is it - amateur hour? Even if you do feel a little drunk sometimes - those guys can drink! MAINTAIN. Do not lead on that you are drunk. Also, let them order the bottles unless they specifically ask you to pick something out. 

-      Be super upfront with your hourly fee or # of dances. These guys are usually businessmen and they don’t like to be surprised or fuck around. After you have established the amount – be prepared that they will usually spend that much each visit. Say the first time you get $500 – the next time they will spend probably in the same ballpark. Occasionally, things might get wild and you could end up with more but also be prepared to get less. The amount really shouldn’t matter. What should matter is that this is CONSISTENT income which is hard to come by in the service industry. 

-      When you start scheduling regulars come prepared with something to talk about. This person is about to come see you on your schedule. If they are an attorney – google top law stories, look up medical breakthroughs if they are a doctor, if they like golf see who won the Masters, if they are a tech nerd ask them if they are going or have been to CES etc. Notice what they like and come with something interesting to talk to about. You can say, I remember you like tech – did you see that write up on ____ in Wired? This is where you need to do your homework. Being hot will only get you so far, to keep these guys coming back you have to be smart too. 

-      Don’t be afraid if they want another girl to join you. Yes, this may hurt your $ at the end but they hate jealousy. It helps if you have a few friends in the club and can recommend a girl to have fun with or tip on stage. Usually, they will keep the girl for a few double dances, turn them loose and the attention goes back to you. 

-      Try to get the club to help you out with some of the costs. These guys love to feel like they are getting the hook up. My managers would offer a set tab like $5 per drink or a discount off the bottle. They would also offer discounts on the VIP table especially if they are coming in during the week or on a slow night. It makes them feel special and you will probably get to pocket some of the cash they save. WIN.WIN. 

-      When you have their number be sure to FOLLOW UP. Following up is key, the next day thank them for a great night. The next week check in to see how they are. Usually, regulars fall into a pattern – once a week, bi weekly, once a month and once a quarter etc. This means make sure that you are keeping in touch with them and not just texting them when you want them to come visit you at the club. Also try to avoid directly asking them to come in, leave hints like – “I have time in my schedule on Weds if you are available?” “I’ll be in town on Thursday if you want to drop by?” DO NOT SAY: “It’s slow today come visit me!” This just screams desperation and no-one likes that. 

-      You can be playful in texts but do not send pictures. You are trying to get them in the club to see you – if you send a picture then what is the point of them coming in. Also, be aware that usually their significant others might have access to see their phone. They will never come back if their old lady finds a half-naked picture of you on their phone, duh. 

-      Keep it classy and fun! Don’t be trashy, keep it pulled together – channel a super classy girl who has truly taken an interest in them. My clients loved how I always had something to talk about, kept my sexiest outfits exclusively for regulars and always looked the part. You need to make them imagine that they could date you in real life – if you look like a hot mess just like on a regular date, they are going to pass at seeing you again. 


Another thing is that they will usually say “I love your perfume” or you look so great in white! So obviously, make sure you wear those things when sitting with them. Change it up with the clothes – like a variation of white outfits. Also, do not wear glitter or self-tanner. If they have to change clothes before they go home or worse you ruin their button up white shirt they will not appreciate that. Be mindful that, yes they are there to see you, but they don’t need evidence leaving traces everywhere after they leave the club. 

            You can also utilize your own talents to keep them enticed. Ex: my friend “read palms” or I would have a new pole trick to show them, my other friend knew horoscopes or something else kind of fun, casual and it keeps you unique in their mind. Lastly, let’s talk about phones – if you do keep your phone with you when you work – this should go without saying but don’t be on your phone when you are with them. They will hate it if you are constantly checking your phone or even worse texting someone else. Keep your phone in your locker – at least when you are with them. You can go back to your locker during bathroom breaks to check your phone. 


 I know this post was long but SUPER important. Follow these tips and you’ll have the guys coming back for more! I would have never given out these tips while I was working but take my 7.5 years of knowledge and land those A-List clients. 

            Love and glitter – BW 

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