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Decompression and Reflection

Home from vacation is always an interesting time for me. Miami was lovely and we had a great time with friends and family. I also was very inspired to write and got some new ideas for the book! I think I will incorporate more fiction and researching into book 1 which I am excited about. However, this past week since coming home, has been a bit of a struggle. First, leaving my day job and having to jump back in to catch up was challenging. Second, we dealt with some personal issues and end of month finances (yuck). And third, I always feel like I come down after being so high (figuratively) after vacation.


I love to travel. I actually spent two years traveling and going to music festivals all across the country. I see some families on social media that all they seem to do is travel. The baby was great on the plane (even though I was nervous about it) and an awesome little travel buddy. No major mishaps during the trip and I just keeping thinking what is holding me back from doing more? 

When I was younger I used to read in order to escape the boredoms of everyday suburban city life. Now I barely have time to write let alone read. I am working non-stop three different jobs 7 days a week. From the outside it seems like I have all the boxes checked but it is completely exhausting. Which makes me want to put all my stuff in storage and go back on the road again taking my little family with me. 


But life gets in the way. It’s not practical to live like that anymore. All these voices are conflicting - go, stay, go, stay. As I decompress from last week and go through the photos I think time and place. One day I will be able to travel as I please. One day I will have just one job and enough money in the bank. And one day I will have that whole feeling from knowing my life is exactly how I want it. For now I just have to stay focused and keep working toward that one day....

Birthday and SXSW

Birthday and SXSW

